

  • A bridge is a way of restoring a lost tooth by using your natural teeth to support the replacement.
  • A bridge does not press on the gum below it.
  • It is comfortable to wear and fixed in place, and looks and feels like a natural tooth
  • If you are wearing dentures, you owe it to yourself to consider the benefits you would enjoy from bridgework.
  • Bridge treatment can be completed in a relatively short period of time, usually 2 visits.

How it is done

To prepare a tooth for a bridge, the outside is re-shaped, after which impressions are taken, and used by the dental technician to create casts of your mouth, on which the bridge is modelled. At the next appointment, your dentist will ‘try in’ the bridge to check the shape, fit, and colour. If you and your dentist are happy with the overall effect, your new bridge will be secured to place.

Number of Appointments Usually two.
Completion of Treatment Usually about a week, can be less.
Advantages Excellent colour match, Fixed into place
  Strengthens, splints and restores your teeth, stable and stain resistant.
Examples of Use To replace lost and missing teeth.
  To prevent collapse of the arch of teeth.
Care Brush and floss daily as usual.
  Regular examination and hygiene visits as usual.

Types of bridge

Bridges can be made from many different materials in order to achieve the best results in a particular situation. Bridges are made by highly skilled dental technicians and each bridge is individually shaded and sculpted, undergoing many different processes on its way to becoming a beautiful, functional and reliable part of your smile.

Techniques available at present are:

  • Etch-retained bridges
  • Conventional bridges
  • All porcelain bridge

We look forward to welcoming you – call for an appointment 01902 766287